4th Annual National Convening - Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Data Collaboration for the Public Good
Join us for the Coleridge Initiative’s 4th Annual National Convening - Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: Data Collaboration for the Public Good. The Convening will be held from March 18th - 20th, 2024, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia. Please note that March 18th is reserved for meetings of state agencies, institutions, and entities supporting the Multi-State Data Collaboratives in partnership with NASWA and SHEEO. General registration is closed. If you are a partner and would still like to register, please contact us at info@coleridgeinitiative.org.
In today’s data-driven world, the successful design of government policies and practices relies heavily on strategic collaboration between data partners. Coleridge Initiative’s Annual Convenings are designed to showcase the transformative potential of leveraging administrative data through state, federal, and private collaborations. In this year’s program, we will explore how leaders in the field are pushing the boundaries of traditional governance, forging data partnerships, and reshaping the future of public policy and administration.
Attendees can expect to gain insights into how data collaboration can lead to better outcomes in public policy and administration, as well as learn about innovative projects, products, and practices that are driving change in the field. The Convening will feature sessions designed to provide attendees with valuable knowledge and networking opportunities. Some of the highly anticipated sessions include:
- Fireside Chat - Building Bridges from Data to Public Impact
- Philanthropic Funding Impacts on Data Innovation and Collaboration
- Democratizing Data Challenge Gallery Walk Poster Session
- Employing Strategies for Effective Code Modernization
- Breaking Barriers through Technology
- What’s Next with AI?
- Collaboration for the Future: What’s Next with Upcoming Projects?
We invite you to join us for this exciting event and discover how we can work together to leverage data for the public good.