Project Directory

22 Jan 2023
Democratizing our Data Challenge
Funded by philanthropic organizations, the Democratizing our Data Challenge gave states an opportunity to develop data products and collaborate across jurisdictions. The Challenge was designed to develop and scale innovative product ideas for understanding public policy and programs.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Data Innovation Project (2017-2024)
The TANF Data Innovation (TDI) project is a national initiative that aims to expand the routine use, integration, and analysis of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and employment data to improve outcomes for families and program administration. It is jointly funded by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (OPRE) and Office of Family Assistance (OFA) of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Modernizing Statistical Processing Pipeline (USDA)
Coleridge Initiative, in collaboration with USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS), works on streamlining and updating the code used to process the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) and U.S. Agricultural Productivity (USAgP) data products.
Creating a New Data Infrastructure for Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers: Data, Analysis, and Use
Funded by NSF through America’s DataHub, the Coleridge Initiative, the Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS), Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Rutgers University, and the Arkansas Department for Transformation and Shared Services, Division of Information Systems are working together to examine what different federal and state data sources can tell us about foreign-born scientists and engineers in the US. We’re comparing official statistics and looking for innovative ways to measure returns on US investments into these scientists.
Food for Thought Challenge
Sponsored by ERS and in partnership with Westat, the Coleridge Initiative conducted this data challenge inviting researchers and data scientists to use machine learning and natural language processing to help USDA more efficiently link data on supermarket products to nutrient databases. The outcome of the challenge will give USDA modern tools that will help the agency develop timely, objective, and high-quality linked data and facilitate its research on the costs of a healthy diet.
Democratizing our Data Challenge
Funded by philanthropic organizations, the Democratizing our Data Challenge gave states an opportunity to develop data products and collaborate across jurisdictions. The Challenge was designed to develop and scale innovative product ideas for understanding public policy and programs.
Workforce Data Quality Initiative
In partnership with the Illinois Department of Employment Security, Chapin Hall, and Inclusive Economy Lab at the University of Chicago, the Workforce Data Quality Initiative’s goal is to provide timely and more comprehensive workforce information and metrics that can support evidence-based policymaking.
Multi-State Postsecondary Dashboard
The Multi-State Postsecondary Dashboard provides states with a better understanding of the employment outcomes of individuals who completed a credential within their state’s higher education programs. The information presented in the dashboard can be used to inform state decision-making in education and workforce policy by providing cross-state employment outcome measures.
Unemployment to Reemployment Portal
Powered by the Midwest Data Collaborative, the Unemployment to Reemployment interactive data visualization tool utilizes de-identified Unemployment Insurance claims data to create real-time labor market information critical for local pandemic response.